UK supply chain will need a better-resourced HM Customs service, says RHA

The UK government will need to address key transport concerns, to ensure Brexit is a success, says the Road Haulage Association. Commenting, chief executive Richard Burnett said: “We need to maintain fluidity through the ports for the trucks that provide a vital trade service. “Should the UK exit the single market and the customs union, it is clear that HM Customs will need to have significantly greater resources than at present. We will have to have the ability to clear customs without delay, 24/7. The Customs resource, as it stands, quite simply would not be able to cope. “We are calling on the government to establish a working group to scale up Customs resources in time for Brexit. It should include representatives from the international freight industry to ensure confidence that we will be ready for the change. It is essential for supply chains in manufacturing, food distribution and retail that HMRC has sufficient resources to cope from Day 1 with the increased volume. “Leaving the single market and customs union will inevitably add a degree of administrative cost. Far more damaging, however, would be if the supply chain slowed down as a result of an HMRC logjam.” The RHA’s other key concern is to ensure that the industry retains the ability to bring workers in from abroad where they are needed. For example, around 60,000 foreign lorry drivers currently work in the UK and the industry would not function properly without them.

Alistair Williamson MBA
Author: Alistair Williamson MBA

Alistair Williamson MBA is the founder of truckepedia and also a recently published author having co-authored, ‘The Road to Zero Emissions,’ published on 10th September 2020 by Kogan Page. More information available at: Alistair offers broad knowledge and proven expertise, primarily within the Automotive sector, in the fields of: project management, product management, business development and marketing. Alistair is a creative business leader, strategic partner and entrepreneur with a track record of success delivering: innovative marketing, commercial support and operational leadership across a variety of B2B sectors internationally including; Engineering, Automotive, Financial Services and Industrial Chemical.



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